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2023.01.15 20:36

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Welcome to android 4.3! A sweeter version of jelly bean!
Android 4.3 includes productivity optimizations and high-end features never before available to users and developers. Such a paper gives an idea about what is high-tech for performers. See the android 4.3 api document for details on the new developer apis.
Android 4.3 builds on the performance improvements already included in the jelly bean: vsync sync, triple buffering, reduced touch latency, cpu. Enrollment acceleration and hardware accelerated 2d rendering, plus actual optimizations that make android even faster.
To improve graphics performance, the hardware accelerated 2d renderer now optimizes the drawing command flow, transform it, into the most efficient gpu format by rearranging and combining rendering operations. For multi-threading, the renderer can now also use multi-threading across multiple cpu cores to perform specific tasks.
Android 4.3 also improves the rendering of builds and text. Shapes such as circles and rounded rectangles are now rendered at normal quality and in the most efficient way possible. Optimizations for text include performance improvements when using multiple fonts or cumbersome glyph sets (cjk), better rendering quality with description scaling, and relatively fast shadow rendering.
Improved window buffer allocation threatens faster buffer allocation images for purposes. Applications, which reduces the time required to create a render when creating a window.
For maximum graphics performance, android 4.3 has implemented opengl es 3.0 support available for applications. Both through the framework and through their own api. On supported devices, the hardware accelerated 2d rendering engine takes advantage of opengl es 3.0 to improve texture management and gradient rendering fidelity.
Opengl es 3.0 for high performance graphics
Android 4.3 introduces a platform to support khronos opengl es 3.0, bringing high performance 2d and 3d graphics to entertainment and other applications on supported devices. You can take advantage of opengl es 3.0 and its associated egl extensions using the framework apis or native api bindings via the android native development kit (ndk).
Key new features found in opengl es 3.0 include acceleration. Improved visual effects, high quality etc2/eac texture compression as a standard feature, a new version of glsl es shading language using integer and 32-bit floating point numbers, advanced texture rendering, and standardized texture size and render buffer formats. You will be able to use the opengl es 3.0 apis to produce very complex and highly efficient graphics that work on some compatible android devices and you can support a single standard texture compression format on the offered devices.
opengl es 3.0 — this is an optional feature that directly depends on the top graphics hardware. Support is already available on the nexus 7 (2013), nexus 4 and nexus 10 gadgets.
Advanced bluetooth connectivity
Connect with bluetooth smart devices and sensors Now you get a great chance to develop and produce applications that interact with small, low-power devices and the latest generation of sensors using bluetooth smart technology.
Android 4.3 provides you with a single standard api for playing with bluetooth smart gadgets.
Android 4.3 introduces built-in platform support for bluetooth smart ready in a central role and provides a standard set of apis that can be used by software. To detect nearby devices, query gatt services, and read/write parameters.
Thanks to the new api, your applications can efficiently scan for the engines and services you have. For any of us device, you can check for supported gatt services by uuid and manage connections by engine id and signal strength. You will be able to connect to the gatt server present in the gadget's memory and read or write characteristics, or register a listener to receive notifications when these characteristics change.
You can implement support for any gatt activity.You'll have the wonderful ability to read or write standard features, or add support for custom features as needed. Your application can act as a client or a server and can broadcast and receive data in different modes. Api are universal, so you can keep in touch with all sorts of devices, such as proximity tags, watches, fitness meters, game controllers, remote controls, medical devices and other berries.
bluetooth smart ready support already happening on nexus 7 (2013) and nexus 4 devices, and will be supported on all sorts of android compatible devices in the coming months.
Avrcp profile 1.3
Android 4.3 adds native support for bluetooth avrcp 1.3, so your apps can inspire richer collaboration experiences with remote media streaming devices. Applications such as media players take advantage of avrcp 1.3 through the remote control client apis implemented in android 4.0. In addition to providing playback controls on remote devices connected via bluetooth, applications can now send metadata such as track title, composer, and other types of media metadata.
Integrated provider support for avrcp 1.3. On bluedroid bluetooth stack introduced by google and broadcom in android 4.2. Support is available directly on nexus devices and other android-compatible devices that support a2dp/avrcp.
Restricted profile support
Tablet owner can set to create one or more accounts layouts and manage them independently from one another.
Your app should offer restrictions that allow owners to control the content of your app in which situations it serves in a profile.
android 4.3 expands the multi-user role for tablets with limited profiles, a new method of managing users that chances on a single device. Restricted accounts allow users to quickly set up individual environments for each client, with the ability to control finer restrictions on the icons available in those environments. Restricted accounts are ideal for associates and family, guest users, kiosks, retail outlets, etc.
Each restricted profile offers an isolated and secure area with its own local storage, home screens, widgets and settings. Unlike users, profiles are created in the tablet owner's environment, contains installed programs, and the owner's system accounts. The owner determines which installed apps will be enabled in the new profile, and access to owner accounts is disabled by default.
Apps that need to be associated with owner accounts for login, settings, or other usage - can be selected by declaring a manifest attribute, and the owner can view and manage these applications from the profile configuration settings.
For developers, restricted accounts offer a new method of delivering more value and control to assigned users. You have a chance to sell app limits - controls for content or potentials that are supported by your app - and advertise them to tablet owners in profile configuration layouts. . Using predefined boolean types, ordering and multiple selection. If you need more flexibility, the viewer can even open its own custom interface from the profile configuration settings to provide all the kind of restriction you want. . Configured by the owner and put them into action accordingly. For example, a multimedia program may offer a restriction that allows the owner to set the maturity level for a profile. At runtime, the application can check the maturity setting, and at the end, manage the content at its preferred maturity level.
If your application is not intended for use in restricted profiles, you can opt out of it entirely. So that your app cannot be included in any restricted profile.
Optimized location and sensor capabilities
Online store services offer advanced location apis , which you can use in your own applications. Android 4.3 optimizes these apis on supported devices with interesting hardware and software benefits that minimize battery usage.
Hardware geofencing optimizes energy efficiency by doing location calculations in hardware instead of software. . On devices that support hardware geofencing, appstore's geofencing apis will be able to apply a similar optimization to conserve battery power while the device is moving.
Wi-fi scan only mode is a new platform optimization that helps users continue scanning wi-fi without connecting to the network of internet equipment in order to increase the accuracy of location while conserving battery power. Apps that are detected by the router for location services can currently prompt visitors to enable scan-only mode in the advanced settings of the internet equipment. The router scan-only mode does not require device hardware and is available as a section of the android 4.3 platform.
New types of sensors allow applications to better manage sensor readings. The game's rotation vector allows game developers to determine the rotation of the vacuum cleaner without worrying about magnetic interference. Uncalibrated gyroscope and magnetometer sensors reveal raw measurements as well as suspected errors in icons. Each device manufacturer or chipset vendor can embed drivers in their devices.
Modular digital rights management framework
To meet the demand for last-tier multimedia services, in android figure 4.3 presents a modular digital rights management system. Framework to allow multimedia application developers to more easily integrate drm into their own streaming protocols such as mpeg dash (dynamic adaptive streaming over http, iso/iec 23009-1).
Through a combination of new api and enhancements to existing apis, the drm media platform provides an integrated range of services for managing licensing and provisioning, accessing low-level codecs, and decoding encrypted media. The new api mediaextractor gives a chance to get pssh metadata for dash media. Applications using the drm media framework manage networking with a rights server and handle streaming of encrypted data from the content library.
Vp8 encoder
Android 4.3 introduces native support vp8 encoding available from framework and out-of-band api. For applications using native apis, the platform includes openmax 1.1.2 extension headers to support pages, and vp8 levels. Vp8 encoding support consists of target bitrate setting, rate control, frame rate, token separation, error tolerance, refresh and cycle filters. The platform api supports the vp8 encoder in multiple formats, thanks to which you can fully use the best format for your content.
Vp8 encoding is real in software on any compatible device running android 4.3. For maximum performance, the platform also supports vp8 encoding with hardware acceleration on native devices. For the video encoder. For example, currently you can stream from the opengl es surface to the encoder instead of copying between buffers.
Media multiplexer
Applications use new api media multiplexer interfaces for combining elementary music and video streams into a single output file. Applications currently can multiplex one mpeg-4 audio stream and a single mpeg-4 video stream into one mpeg-4 output file. The new apis are analogous to the media demuxing apis introduced in android 4.2.
Playback progress and cleanup in remote control clients
Starting with android 4.0 , media players and such applications may offer playback controls from remote control clients such as device lock screen, notifications and remote devices connected via bluetooth. As of android 4.3, these apps now also have chances to display thread and playback speed through their remote control clients and receive commands to jump to a specific playback position.
New methods for making beautiful appsNotification access
Notifications have long been a popular feature of android as they allow users to view information and updates from the entire system in one place. Now in android 4.3, apps can monitor the notification stream with the permission of the consumer, and display notifications by any method in the list of which to send them to devices nearby connected via bluetooth.
You can get notification input through new api that allow you to register a message listener service, and with the user's permission to receive notifications while they are displayed in the status bar. Notifications are delivered to you in their entirety, with minute details about the original app, when it was posted, content type and style, and priority, among other things. You have the ability to evaluate cells of interest in notifications, process or add context from your app, and route them for display in any way you choose.
The new api offers customers callbacks when a notification is added. , Updated, and removed (either because the user rejected it, or the original app retracted it). You get to fire any intents associated with the notification or its actions, as well as remove that stuff from the pipes, allowing your app to provide a complete interface for notifications. Notifications. At any time, they can look into the settings to read what add-ons provide themselves with access to notifications, and enable or disable access as needed. Notification access is disabled by default - apps can use the new intent to direct the user directly to settings to enable the listener service when installation is complete.
View overlays
now you are given the ability to organize transparent overlays on top of views and view groups to render the temporary hierarchy of views or temporary animation effects without disturbing the underlying layout hierarchy in the canvas. Overlays are especially useful if you wish to create animations, such as sliding a view out of its container, or dragging parts around the screen without affecting the view hierarchy.
Optical bounds layout mode
The new compositing mode allows you to control the placement of views within view groups according to their optical boundaries rather than clip boundaries. The clip bounds represent the actual outer bound of the widget, and the new optical bounds describe where the widget is inside the clip bounds. You have the ability to use the optical borders layout mode to properly align widgets that benefit from external visual effects like shadows and glows.
Custom rotation animation types
Applications nowadays can determine the types of exit and entry animations used in a window when the device is rotated. You can set window properties to enable transition, fade out, or standard window rotation. The system uses custom animation types when a window is full screen and not covered by other windows.
Screen orientation modes
Applications can set hitherto unimaginable orientation modes for an action to be making sure that they are displayed in the correct orientation when the device is upside down. Also, applications use the new mode to lock the screen, in its current orientation. This is important for camera-using apps that seek to disable rotation when capturing video. The ability for any application to process quick responses - text messages sent by the user in response to a call, without answering the call or unlocking the tablet. Your app can listen for intent and send a message to the caller through your messaging system. The intent includes the recipient (caller) but also the message itself.
More parts of android 4.3 are optimized for rtl languages.
Rtl improvementsAndroid 4.3 includes rtl performance improvements and wider rtl support for platform ui widgets, including progressbar/spinner and expandablelistview. For more debugging information, see the uiautomatorviewer tool. Among other things, rtl now supports more system ui components like notifications, orientation bar and action bar.
To provide better system-wide proficiency with rtl scripting, more default system applications now support rtl. Layouts, including launcher, quick settings, phone, people, setupwizard, clock, downloads, and more. To test the localization of your app.
Android 4.3 also includes new utilities and api's for generating better rtl strings and testing localized user interfaces. The new bidiformatter class provides a simple api for storing unicode strings so that rtl script data is displayed in ltr locale messages as intended, and vice versa. So that you can more extensively use our utility in emerging applications, the bidiformatter api is now also available for earlier copies of the site through the support package in the android sdk.
To help you manage date formatting" in a number applications. Locales, android 4.3 includes a new getbestdatetimepattern() method that generates the best possible localized form of the unicode uts date for the locale you specify. It's a great way to give your users a more localized experience.
To make it easier for everyone to test their app in different locales, android 4.3 introduces pseudo-locals as a new developer option. Pseudo-locals mimic the language, script, and display qualities associated with a locale or language group. Now you can test a pseudo-language for english with eye-catching detail that lets you see how your interface works with labels and symbols used in a variety of european languages.
Accessibility and ui automationStarting with android 4.3, accessibility services can monitor and filter meaningful events, such as handling keyboard shortcuts or providing navigation parity with gesture-based input. The service receives events and is able to process them as needed, before they can be passed to the system or other installed applications.
Accessibility services can declare new capability attributes to describe what they can do functionality and what platform. The features they use. They can also declare the ability to filter key events, retrieve window content, enable touch exploration, or enable web accessibility features. At times, services must declare a capability attribute before they can have unrestricted access to related platform features. The system uses the service's capabilities attributes to create a consent dialog for users so that you can see and agree to the capabilities before running.
Based on the accessibility framework in android 4.3, the new ui automation framework allows tests interact with the user interface of the device, simulating user actions, and analyzing the contents of the screen. Through the ui automation framework, you can perform basic operations, set screen rotation, generate input events, take screenshots, and more. It is an advanced way to automate an exam in real user scenarios, including actions or sequences that span multiple applications.
Enterprise and security
Router configuration for wpa2 -corporate networks
Applications can currently configure router credentials required to connect to corporate wpa2 hotspots. Developers use new apis to configure extensible authentication protocol (eap) and encapsulated eap (phase 2) credentials for the authentication methods used on the object. Apps with accessibility and wi-fi throttling permission can configure credentials for different eap and phase 2 authentication methods.
Android sandbox enhanced by selinux
Android now uses selinux, a mandatory access control (mac) system in the linux kernel for extending the uid-based application sandbox. This protects the operating system from potential security vulnerabilities.
Keychain enhancements
The 21st century keychain api provides a method to allow applications to verify that system-wide keys are tied to a hardware root confidence to build. This provides a place to trim or store private keys that are not allowed to be exported from the device, even during a root or kernel compromise.
Android keystore provider
android 4.3 introduces a key store provider and apis that allow applications to create keys for exclusive use.Using the api, applications create or store private keys that are not visible and never used by other applications and are added in key piles without any user interaction.
The keystore provider provides the same security . The benefits that the keychain api provides for system-wide credentials, and among them is the binding of credentials to a device. Private keys in the keystore cannot be exported from the phone.
Disable setuid from android apps
The /system partition is now mounted nosuid for processes spawned by zygote. , Preventing setuid programs from being executed by android apps. This reduces the root ddos surface, and the possibility of potential security vulnerabilities.
New performance analysis methods
Systrace uses a new command syntax, and provides a chance to collect more types of data profiling .
Improved systrace logging
Android 4.3 supports an enhanced version of the systrace tool, which is cooler to use and gives you access to more types of information. To profile the impact of the application. Now you will get a great ability to collect tracing information from hardware modules, kernel functions, dalvik virtual machine, including garbage collection, site loading, and a variety of other things.
Android 4.3 also includes new tracing apis that you get the opportunity to use in your own applications to mark certain sections of code for tracing using systrace start / end events. When the marked sections of code are executed, the system writes start/end events to the trace log. The impact on your application's performance is minimal, so timeline reports give you an accurate idea of what your application is like.
You can visualize application-related events on the timeline in the output file systrace. And think about cases in the context of other kernel and userspace trace information. Together with the approved systrace tags, custom application sections can give you new insights into the performance and behavior of your applications.
Gpu profiling is coming to android 4.3.
Gpu profiling processor on screen
In android 4.3, new parameters for creators have been added to help analyze the performance of your app and identify rendering issues on each gadget or in the emulator.
profile gpu rendering options you can now render your application's effective frame rate on the screen while the application is running. You can choose to display profiling data in the manner of an on-screen bar graph or line graphs with colors indicating the time spent on equipping drawing commands (blue), command input (orange, and command execution standings (yellow). The system constantly adds graphs to the screen, displaying a graph for of all visible activity, including the navigation bar and the notification bar.
The green line allocates a 16ms threshold for any render processes, which is why you can estimate your application's effective frame rate against a target of 60 fps ( since 1/60 of a second is about 16ms.) If you have borrowed operations that cross the green line, you have a chance to find them with systrace and similar tools.
On devices running android 4.2 and more developer options are hidden by default, you have the option to show them at any time by tapping 7 times on settings > about phone > build number on any local android device.
Strictmode warning for file uri
The latest addition to the strictmode tool is a policy constraint that warns when your app exposes a // file uri to the system or another application. In some cases, the receiving application may not encounter access to the file:// uri path, so when exchanging files between applications, the content:// uri (with the same permission) must be used. This new policy helps identify and attempt to correct these types of incidents. If users are looking for a great option to save files and share them with other apps, try using the fileprovider content provider available in the support library.
Android 4.2
Good welcome to android 4.2, the fresh jelly bean!
Android 4.2 features performance optimizations, a redesigned system ui, and cool cool features for customers and developers. This documentation gives an idea of what's new for creators. For details about the latest api for engineers, see the android 4.2 api crust.
Learn more about the latest jelly bean features for users at www.Android.Com.
Android 4.2 builds on performance improvements already included in jelly bean , among them vsync sync, triple buffering, reduced touch lag and cpu performance improvements, plus fresh optimizations that sell android even faster.
Improvements in the hardware accelerated 2d renderer makes standard animations such as scrolling and swiping are smoother and faster. Specifically, rendering is optimized for layers, clipping, and certain shapes (rounded rectangles, circles, and ovals).
Various webview rendering optimizations make webview scrolling smoother, without jitter or lag. .
Renderscript compute for android is the first compute platform ported to work directly on a smartphone's gpu. It automatically uses gpu computing resources when the move is possible, greatly improving the performance of designing and cultivating images. Any application that uses renderscript on a supported device can immediately fall back on seamless integration with the visual processor without recompilation.
Updated user interface
Android 4.2 improves user experience jelly bean. And brings familiar android ui patterns such as status bar, system bar and notification window to all tablets.
All screen options now have a status bar at the top with a drop-down connection to notifications and a new quick menu settings. The familiar system bar appears at the bottom, with buttons easily accessible with either hand. The app bar is also real on these screen sizes.
One gadget multiple users
Now multiple users can share one android tablet, with any user getting a comfortable experience dedicated user space. Players can switch to their spaces with a tap from the lock screen.
On a multi-user device, android hands any visitor a separate environment, including emulated sd credit card storage for the direct user. Visitors also have their own home screens, widgets, accounts, settings, files, and apps, and the service stores them without owners. All users share core system services, but the system will ensure that applications and the like of the direct user remain isolated. In fact, each of the group of people has their own android device.
Users can install and flush applications at any time in his environment. To save space, the appstore downloads the apk only if it is not already installed on the gadget by a live rival. If the add-on is installed, the online store registers the installation of a new player as a normal option, but does not download another copy of the application. Multiple users can run the same copy of the apk, due to the system creating a new instance for the immediate user, including the client-specific data directory.
For developers, multi-user support is transparent. There is no way for applications to get anything special for smooth collaboration in a multi-user environment, and you do not need to refine existing or published apk. The system manages your application in each user space just as it does in a single user environment.
New user acquisition methods
You can extend application widgets. Lock screen to launch for instant access to your content.
Lock screen widgets
In android 4.2, gamblers can place app widgets directly on their lock shields for instant connection with your favorite app content without unlocking. Gamblers can add up to 5 lock screen widgets, choosing from widgets provided by installed applications. In the lock movie, each widget is displayed on a separate panel, allowing players to swipe left and right to view the various panels that the widgets are.
Like app widget hats, lock screen widgets can display any content and advisors are able to take direct user interaction. These bunnies can be completely self-contained, such as a widget that will provide controls for streaming music, or they can allow users to immediately access an action in the selected application after unlocking as needed.
for developers, screen widgets blocking provides a great new way to attract users.They provide a chance to get your content out to users in a location they will see frequently and give you more ability to bring users directly into your application.
You should take advantage of this new benefit. Capabilities by creating a new application widget or extending an existing widget on the main field. If your app already contains widgets on the main field, you have the option to extend them to the lock screen with relatively minor changes. To give your customers the best experience, you can update the widget to take advantage of the entire lock screen area when it's available, and resize if needed on fragile screens. You too can add features to widgets that can be especially useful or convenient on the lock screen.
Daydream when the user's radio is docked or charging. In this approach, the system runs daydream, a remote content service provided by the installed application, as a device screensaver. The user has the ability to enable daydream in the "settings" add-on, and then select a dream to display.
Daydreams combines the best features of live pictures and home screen widgets in its abilities and capabilities, but at the same time has more functionality. They make it possible to offer all content in a whole new context, with those citizen actions like swiping through photos, playing an audio or video, or going straight to your app with a single tap.
Because daydreams can be triggered automatically when the radio is charging or docked, they also provide a great way for your app to support new customer interaction patterns, they can be flip back or demo mode, demo or kiosk mode, or attracting" - and all offered without professional equipment.
Daydream allows you to create powerful interactive screensavers that display any content.
Daydreams are like activities and can do actions , which is also activity. - From rendering the ui hierarchy (without using remoteviews) to drawing directly with canvas, opengl, surfacetexture, etc. They can play video and audio, even take direct communication with the buyer. However, dreams are not actions, as a result of which they do not affect the cloned stack and are not yet displayed under the "recent" link, which is not allowed to be launched directly from the application.
It's easy to realize a dream take advantage of the ui components and sites you've built far away for other parts of your application. You'll get the ability to submit multiple dreams in each app, and each one can submit a separate file - and display settings for anyone.
External display support
Android 4.2 introduces the platform to support external displays that go further than mirroring - applications nowadays can target a unique article to their one or any number of displays connected to an android device. Applications can be process driven to provide different kinds of interactions and attractions to clients.
Display manager
Apps interact with monitors through the new display manager system service. . Your app can enumerate displays and buy an apartment from a developer each's capabilities, including size, density, display name, id, secure movie support, and more. Your app can also receive callbacks when displays are added or removed, or when their functions change, to better manage your content on external displays.
Presentation window
To make it easier to display content on an external display, the site gives a new user interface object called a presentation, is a type of dialog box that represents a window for your application's content on a particular external display. Your application simply provides a display to play on, a theme to the window, or any unique content to display. Presentation controls the magnification of platforms and the rendering of your content according to the characteristics of the target display.
You have the ability to get full control of two or more independent displays using presentation.
presentation gives your application full control over the remote display window and its contents, and allows you to control it based on user input events such as keystrokes, gestures, motion events - and more.You can use all the usual materials to create a user interface and render content in a presentation, from creating an arbitrary view hierarchy before running a surfaceview or surfacetexture to drawing directly in a window for streaming content or a camera preview.
Choice preferred display
If multiple external displays are available, you can create as many presentations as you need, each displaying unique content on a specific display. In many cases, you may want to display content exclusively on one external display, but at any time on the one that best suits the presentation content. To do this, the system is able to help your application choose the best display for mining.
To calculate the best display for the application, your application can ask the display worker for the fixture's preferred presentation display and glean callbacks. When such a display changes. Also you will be able to use the media router service extended in android 4.2 to get notifications when the system video route is raised. Your application can only display default content on the activity until the preferred presentation display is connected, only after that it has the ability to automatically switch to the presentation content on the preferred display. Your applications can also use the mediarouteactionprovider and mediaroutebutton of the media router to offer a standard user interface for display selection.
Secure content
For add-ons that handle secure or encrypted content, display api now talks about secure video capabilities of connected displays. Your application queries the display to see if it offers secure movie output or provides secure graphics buffers, and then selects the appropriate text stream or decode to make the content viewable. For additional security of surfaceview objects, your application can set a secure flag to indicate that content should never be shown in screenshots or unprotected display output, even in mirroring.
Wireless display Starting with android 4.2, users of supported devices are able to connect to an external display via wi-fi using a display router (a peer-to-peer wireless display solution that complies with the miracast™ certification program). By connecting a wireless display, passengers can broadcast any type of content including photos, games, maps, and more.
In the same way, applications can take advantage of wireless displays. Just like other external displays, and not a second of additional work is required. The system manages the network connection and optionally streams your presentation or other entertainment content to a wireless display.
Integrated rtl support
Developers can now mirror their layouts. For right-to-left languages.
Android 4.2 has full built-in support for right-to-left layouts, including layout mirroring. With built-in support for rtl, you are able to provide the same experience for some of your users, whether their language uses a plot that reads from right to left or one that reads from left to right.
when a user switches the system language to right-to-left scripting, the system now provides automatic mirroring of application ui layouts and required view widgets in addition to bi-directional mirroring of text elements for both familiarization and character enrollment.Your program will be able to take advantage of rtl layout mirroring in its own application quickly. If you're thinking about mirroring your app, you're forever declaring a new attribute in your app's own manifest and changing all the pluses of the left/right layout to modern start/end equivalents. Then the system handles the mirroring and storage of your ui appropriately.
For finer control over the app's ui, android 4.2 includes new api's that allow the player to control layout direction, text direction, text alignment, gravity and local vector in view components. The viewer can even create custom versions of the layout, pictures, and other sites to display when ordering a right-to-left script.
To help the customer debug and optimize your right-to-left user script. On the left, the hierarchyviewer tool now gives you the ability to view start and end properties, layout direction, text direction, and text alignment for different representations in the hierarchy.
Improvements for international languages
Android 4.2 includes tons of font and character optimizations for international users:
- A new font choice is available for korean users - nanum (나눔글꼴) gothic, unicode, made specifically for the korean alphabet. - Improved support for vertical japanese text displayed in webviews.- Improved font kerning and positioning for default indian, thai, arabic, and hebrew fonts.
Android's default keyboard also includes an updated set dictionaries:
– Improved dictionaries for french (bigram compatible), english and russian– ne w dictionaries for danish, greek, finnish, lithuanian, latvian, polish, slovenian, serbian, swedish, tour
Nested fragments
For more access to the user interface of components, and to make them a little more modular, android 4.2 allows you to nest fragments inside fragments. For all fragments, the new fragment manager allows you to insert other fragments as child nodes in the view hierarchy.
You will be able to use nested fragments in many ways, but they are especially relevant for implementing dynamic and reusable ui components inside a user interface component that is single-handedly dynamic and reusable. For example, if you're using a viewpager to create fragments that move left and right, you now have the ability to insert fragments into any view pager fragment. This capability is hosted in the new android support library.
The system now helps accessibility services distinguish between touch exploration and accessibility. Gestures through sensory exploration. When the user touches the screen, the system notifies the service that the standard touch interaction has begun. After which it monitors the speed of the touch interaction and determines whether this kind of touch exploration (slow) or an accessibility gesture (fast and notifies the service. When the touch interaction is completed, the system notifies the service.
The system provides a new a global accessibility setting that allows the accessibility service to open the quick settings menu based on user interaction.Android 4.2 also added a new accessibility feedback option for braille devices.
To provide accessibility services with insight values of views for given accessibility goals, the playground provides new api interfaces to associate a view with a label for another view.The label for which matches your taste of the view is available to accessibility services via accessibilitynodeinfo.
Improved camera with hdr
Android 4.2 introduces a new hardware interface from the camera, and a conveyor to increase productivity. . On supported devices, apps use the new hdr camera scene mode to capture a photo using imaging tools with flawless dynamic range.
In addition, the platform now provides an api that allows apps to check how to turn off the shutter sound cameras. Applications are then able to allow the user to mute the sound or select an alternative sound instead of the default shutter sound that is offered.
In android 4.2, renderscript compute introduces new scripting features, new optimizations, and direct abstract processor integration for the highest performance.
Filterscript is a subset of renderscript designed for optimized image processing on a very wide range of device chipsets. Developers can write their image processing actions in filterscript using the standard renderscript runtime api, however, with very strict restrictions that allow for broader compatibility and improved optimizations for cpu, rips, and dsp.
Filterscript is very hardware friendly. - Acceleration of simple photo processing operations and calculations, including those that can be written for opengl es fragment shaders.Because it imposes a relaxed set of hardware constraints, your operations are optimized and accelerated on more types of device chipsets. Any app linked to api level 17 or higher can do filterscript.
Inline script functions
In android 4.2, renderscript adds support for a set of inline script functions: pre-implemented filtering primitives that are accelerated to: reduce the amount of code you have to write and ensure that your application gets the best possible performance gain.
Built-in functions are available for overlay, blur, color matrix, 3x3 and 5x5 convolution, lookup table for normal channel and android yuv buffer to rgb conversion. And implement everything without exception in one call, as if they were part of one scenario. This allows renderscript to optimize script execution as it would not be possible if scripts were run solo.
Renderscript image processing benchmarks can be done under various android platform versions (android 4.0, 4.1, and four.2 ) on the main processor specifically on the galaxy nexus device.
The renderscript image processing benchmarks compare operations performed using the gpu and cpu with operations performed on the main processor only on their nexus 10 device. If you have a directed acyclic graph of renderscript operations to run, you have the option of using a builder class to develop a group of scripts that define the operations. At run time, renderscript optimizes the execution mode and communications between such operations for the best performance.
Continuous optimization improvements
When you use renderscript for computational operations, your applications are likely to benefit from continuous throughput improvements and advances in true renderscript engine, without annoying impact on your application code or need to recompile.
As optimization improves, your operations run faster and under more chipsets , without any effort on your part. The chart on the right shows the performance gains provided by continuous improvements to renderscript optimizations in future versions of the android platform.
Gpu compute
Renderscript compute is the first compute. The platform is ported for entrepreneurship directly on the gpu of the mobile device. Now it automatically uses gpu computing resources when it comes to undeniably boosting performance. With abstract processor integration, even the most complex graphics or image processing calculations can be performed with significantly improved performance.
Any application that uses renderscript on a supported device immediately benefits from this visual processor integration without recompilation. The nexus 10 tablet is the first device to support this integration.
New embedded developer perspectives
Android 4.2 contains many new features for performers. That make it more efficient to create great additions that work well. The new options provide features for debugging and profiling your app from another device or emulator.
On devices running android 4.2, developer options are hidden by default, which helps improve the user experience for gamblers. You can find developer options at any time by tapping 7 times on "settings" > "about phone" > "build number" on any compatible android device.
The new developer options give you never a chance profiling and debugging on the iphone.
New features for developers in android 4.2 include:
Error reporting: takes a screenshot immediately and uploads fixture status data to the local file storage, and then attaches them to the new items in the outgoing email.Bug reports in the power album - adds new products in the equipment power catalog and quick settings to have a bug report (see above).Check applications via usb - allows you to disable application verification for downloading unpublished applications via usb, while continuing to check applications from other sources, such as a browser. This can speed up the development cycle while keeping the security feature enabled.Show hardware layer updates - hardware layers flash green when they are updated.Show gpu redraw - highlight gpu redraw areas.Force 4x msaa - enables 4x msaa in open gl es 2.0 icons.Simulate secondary display - creates one or more non-protected overlay windows on the current screen to be used as a simulated remote display. You can control the size and density of the simulated display.Enable opengl tracing - allows you to throttle opengl execution with logcat, systrace or call stack on glgeterror.
New platform technologies
Android 4.2 is broken down into many recent and improved platform ways to support innovative communication use cases across a rich range of hardware devices. In most cases, new platform techniques and improvements do not directly affect your applications, so you can use them without any changes.
Security improvements
Each release of android consists of many security improvements to keep users safe. Here are many of the improvements in android 4.2:
Verifying apps. Customers can turn on "verify programs" and check applications before installation. App checker can alert the user if they try to install an app that might be dangerous; if the app is particularly bad, it may block the installation.More control over premium sms - android will provide a notification if the app tries to send sms to a short lived number using premium services that may incur additional charges. The user can choose whether to allow the application to send the message or block it.Vpn always on - vpn must be configured so that applications do not know access to the internet until a vpn connection is established. This prevents applications from sending data over other networks.Certificate pinning - libcore's implementation of ssl currently facilitates certificate pinning. Pinned domains will receive a certificate validation error if the tificate certificate does not bind to the collection of expected certificates. This protects against operational compromise of cas.Improved display of android permissions. Permissions are organized into groups that are easier for users to understand. While viewing permissions, the user can click on the permission to view more detailed permission information.Installd hardening - the installd daemon is not started as root, which reduces the potential attack surface for maintaining root privileges.Hardening init scripts - init scripts now use o_nofollow semantics to prevent symlink attacks.Fortify_source - android now implements fortify_source. This is used by system libraries and applications as a memory corruption prevention.Default contentprovider configuration. Applications targeting api level 17 will have the "export" setting set to "false" by default for human contentprovider, which will reduce the default attack surface for applications.Cryptography - changed default implementations of securerandom and cipher.Rsa to openssl application. Added sslsocket support for tlsv1.1 and tlsv1.2 using openssl 1.0.1security fixes. Updated open source libraries with security fixes include webkit, libpng, openssl, and libxml. Android 4.2 also includes fixes for android-specific vulnerabilities. Information about these vulnerabilities has been provided to members of the open handset alliance, and fixes are publicly available in the android open source project. To improve security, some devices with the earliest versions of android are able to include these fixes among other things.
New bluetooth stack
Low latency audio
Android 4.2 improves support for low latency audio playback, starting from the improvements made in android 4.Number one release for audio output delay with the opensl es, soundpool and tone generator api functioning. These enhancements are tied to hardware support—devices that offer these low-latency audio features can talk about personal app support through a hardware feature constant. New audiomanager apis are provided to query the original audio sample rate and buffer size for use on devices that claim this feature.
New camera hardware interface
New nfc hardware interface and controller styling
Dalvik runtime optimizations
The dalvik runtime includes performance and security improvements for a wide variety of architectures:
- Intel x86 jit support and mips jit help by mips- optimized garbage collection options for devices > 512 mb- securerandom and cipher.Rsa implementations now use openssl by default- support sslsocket for tlsv1.1 and tlsv1.2 via openssl 1.0.1- new native support for strictmath abs, min, max and sqrt- bouncycastle updated to version 1.47- zlib updated to version 1.27- dlmalloc updated to version 2.8. 6
Android 4.1
Welcome to android 4.1 jelly bean 1st variation!
android 4.1 is the fastest and a smooth android version. We've made improvements to the entire site - and added great features that weren't available before for users and developers. A similar document gives information about the rule, which is high-tech for performers. See the android 4.1 api documentation for details on the latest apis for engineers.
Learn more about jelly bean functions for users at www.Android.Com.
Faster, smoother, responsive
Android 4.1 is optimized to provide the best android performance and minimal touch input lag in a user-friendly, comfortable user interface.
To ensure consistent frame rate, android 4.1 extends the vertical sync time for many ornaments and animations performed by the android platform. Everything runs in sync with the 16ms vertical sync heartbeat - app rendering, touch events, screen compositing, and screen padding - so frames aren't ahead and therefore no exception to the rule.
Android 4.1 also added triple buffering. In the graphics pipeline, for the most consistent rendering that makes everything smoother, from scrolling to paginated cinema and animations.
Android 4.1 reduces touch latency not only by synchronizing touch with the vertical sync stretch, but and actually anticipating and you are interested in your finger during the screen refresh period. This results in a more reactive and uniform touch response. Also, after periods of inactivity, android increases the heaviness on the cpu on the next touch, so as not to bring up the delay.
Tools will help you achieve the best application performance. . Android 4.1 is designed to work with your tool called systrace, which examines data directly from the linux kernel to produce a complete picture of system activity. The data is provided in the manner of a group of vertically stacked time series plots to help isolate render interruptions and other issues. The tool is now available in the android sdk (tools r20 or later)
Enhanced accessibility
New accessibility apis allow handling gestures and managing accessibility. When the customer navigates on-screen elements and navigation buttons using special gestures, belts, and other inputs. The talkback system and explore by touch have been redesigned to use special perspectives for ease of use, and offer a wide range of apis for performers.
Accessibility services can link their own educational literature to accessibility settings , to help players customize and use their services.
Applications that use standard view components automatically inherit support for new accessibility features with no visible innovations in their code. Applications that use custom views use the new accessibility options node apis to specify parts of the view that are of interest to accessibility services.
International user support
Bidi and the promotion of other languages
Android 4.1 helps to attract more visitors with support for bidirectional text in textview and edittext elements. Applications can display text or process left-to-right or right-to-left text. The apps provide new languages for arabic and hebrew and corresponding fonts.
Other types of new language support include:
- Additional indian languages: kannada, telugu. And malayalam– new emoji characters from unicode version 6.0– improved glyph support for japanese users (displays japanese language versions of glyphs when the system locale is set to japanese)– arabic glyphs are optimized for webviews with a bonus to arabic glyphs for textviews- support for vertical text in webviews, including ruby text and vertical text flow glyphs- synthetic bold now works for every font that doesn't have bold bold glyphs
User-defined keyboard layouts
The platform now supports user-defined keyboard layouts, such as for additional international keyboards and professional layout types. By default android 4.1 includes 27 international keyboard layouts including dvorak.When users connect a keyboard, they can go to the settings app and select one or more layouts they want to make for that keyboard. When selecting text, customers can switch between keyboard layouts using a combination of buttons (ctrl-space).
You can organize the application to place additional layouts in the pipeline. Apk will include keyboard layout resources based on the standard android keyboard layout format. An application can offer additional keyboard layouts to the user by declaring an appropriate broadcast receiver for action_query_keyboard_layouts in the real manifest. Similar to those shown in the examples above to display rich content and actions.
Expandable notifications
Notifications have long been an exclusive and popular feature on android. Developers can use them for themselves in order to place important or relevant information for users on the notification bar, outside the normal application user interface.
Android 4.1 contains a major update to the android notification system. Apps can now display larger and informative notifications specifically for users that are easy to expand and collapse with a pinch or swipe. Notifications support all kinds of content, including photos, have configurable priority, and can even contain multiple actions.
Thanks to the improved notification builder, apps allow notifications that occupy a large area, up to 256. Dp growth. There are three template notification styles available:
-Bigtextstyle - a notification that includes a multi-line textview object.- Biginboxstyle - a notification that displays any list, such as messages, headings, etc.– Bigpicturestyle — a notification showing visual content, such as a bitmap.
In addition to template styles, you are given the ability to create your own message styles using any remote view. Apps can add up to three actions to a notification, which are displayed below the content of the notification. Actions allow players to directly react to data in a notification in non-traditional ways. For example, by email or by phone without going into the application.
Thanks to expandable notifications, applications now offer the user information easily and on demand. Users save challenges and are able to long press on each notification to learn about the sender and optionally turn off further notifications from the app.
App widgets can automatically resize to fit the home screen , and download other content. As they resize.
Resizable app widgets
Android 4.1 introduces improved app widgets that should automatically resize depending on where the user places motion pictures on the main field. , The size to which the user expands them and the amount of space available on the home screen. New application widget apis allow you to optimize application widget content as widgets are resized.
When a widget is resized, the system notifies the host application's widget provider, which is able to reload the widget's content as needed. For example, a widget may display larger, richer graphics or additional features or options. Software creators can still control the maximum and pleasing shapes, and optionally update other widget characteristics.
You too can provide separate layouts for your favorite landscape and portrait widgets that the system scales up over time need. Screen orientation changes.
App widgets can now be displayed in third-party launchers and other host applications using the new binding intent (appwidgetmanager.Action_appwidget_bind).
Simplified navigating through tasks
Android 4.1 makes it easy to manage the top navigation that users can do from your add-ons and help ensure a consistent experience for users.
You can sketch out the intended upward navigation for the individual activities of your user interface by adding a new xml attribute to your application's manifest file. At runtime, when the activity is released, the system retrieves the top navigation tree from the manifest file and automatically creates the top navigation in the action bar.Developers who declare upward navigation in the manifest no longer need to manage navigation with a callback at run time, although they can do so if they need to.
A new taskstackbuilder class is also available to build a synthetic stack instantly tasks to start immediately or to be consumed when the activity is released from the pendingintent. Creating a synthetic task stack is especially useful when users trigger actions from remote views, such as widgets and notifications on the main field, as this step allows the developer to provide a controlled and consistent experience when navigating back.
A simple animation to create an activity
You can use the new activityoptions helper class to create and control the animation that is displayed when an activity starts. With a helper class, you can specify custom animation resources that can be used when the action is fired, or request new scale animations that start from a different rectangle you specify on the screen and can have a thumbnail bitmap.
transitions to blackout modes, and full screen mode ” (with hidden status bar and click bar, and dimmed navigation bar) or “full screen mode” (with hidden status bar, action bar, and navigation bar).
All kinds of remote views
Developers are now rolling out gridlayout and viewstub views in widgets and notifications on the main field. Gridlayout allows you to structure the content of your remote shows and control the alignment of child views with a very fine ui hierarchy. Viewstub is an invisible zero-size view, recommended to be used for lazily incrementing layout resources at runtime.
Live wallpaper preview
Android 4.1 makes it easy for users to find, and setting live wallpapers from add-ons that contain them. If your app includes live wallpapers, you now have the option to fire an action (action_change_live_wallpaper) that shows the user a preview of the live wallpaper from the viewer's own app. From the preview, users can directly download live wallpapers.
Decent resolution photos of contacts
In android 4.1, you will be able to store as 720 x 720, which makes contacts in more rich and more personal. Applications are able to save and retrieve contact photos in this size or apply some other required waist size. The maximum photo size supported on specific devices may vary, so applications must query the built-in call provider at run time, and retrieve the maximum size for the operational device.
New input types and featuresBe aware of devices added and removed
Apps can register to be able to be notified when new input devices are connected via usb, bluetooth or any other connection. Type. They can acquire secret information to change the state or capabilities as needed. For example, the game has the ability to receive an sms about the connection of a new keyboard or joystick, indicating the presence of a new visitor.
Request input device capabilities
android 4.1 includes apis allowing apps and games to take full advantage of all connected and available input devices.
Apps can query the item manager to list any connected enrollment devices and learn about the capabilities of any of them.
Vibrator control on input devices
In addition to other features, applications can now use a different vibrator service associated with the connected input device. , E.G. For rumble pak controllers.
Animations and graphics
Vsync for apps
Android-based vsync extension ends more stable frame rates and a smoother, more stable user experience. To make sure apps also benefit, android 4.1 extends the vertical sync time for those drawings and animations triggered by apps. This helps them optimize operations on the ui thread and provides a stable time base for synchronization.
Apps can use vertical synchronization for free using the android animation web resource.The animation framework now uses v-sync to automatically handle timing between animators.
For specialized use, applications can access v-sync through apis provided by the new choreographer class. Applications can request cancellation at the next vsync frame, which is a good way to schedule animations when the application is not using the animation framework. For more complex purposes, applications can send a callback that the choreographer class will run on such a frame.
New animation actions and transition types
The animation framework now allows you to select initial and end actions when the viewpropertyanimator animation is triggered to help keep them in sync with generic animations or actions in the app. An action can launch any executable object. For example, the runnable should indicatespecify another animation to run when the previous one completes.
Now you can optionally specify that the viewpropertyanimator uses the layer during the animation. It used to be better to animate complex views by setting the layer before starting the animation, and then handling the onanimationend() event to remove the layer after the animation is complete. The withlayer() method in viewpropertyanimator now simplifies this process with a single method call.
The new type of transition in layouttransition allows for improved animation in response to all layout changes in the viewgroup.New connection types
Android beam
Android beam is a popular nfc-based technology that allows users to instantly share just by touching two phones thanks to nfc tips.
In android 4.1 android beam makes it easy to share images, videos and other relevant information using bluetooth for data exchange. When the customer initiates the transfer, the android beam switches from nfc to bluetooth, which makes it convenient to manage the file transfer from one device to another.
Wi-fi network service discovery Android 4.1 introduces support for dns-based multicast service discovery, which allows applications to discover and connect to services offered by peer-to-peer hardware over router networks, including gadgets, printers, cameras, media players, and others. Developers can take advantage of router network service discovery to make cross-platform or multiplayer contests and applications.
Using the service discovery api, applications offer and register any service for any other nsd-enabled device for discovery. The service is advertised by portal multicast with a human-readable string id, which makes it easier for our company to identify the type of service for the user.
Consumer devices can use the api to scan and discover available services. From devices connected to the local wifi network. Once discovered, the application launches an api to convert the service into an ip address and port through which it can establish a socket connection.
You can resort to the benefits of this api for adding new features to your programs. For example, you will be able to allow users to connect to a webcam, printer, or application on the following cellular gadget that supports wi-fi peer-to-peer connections.
P2p wi-fi service discovery
Ice cream sandwich introduced support for wi-fi peer-to-peer (p2p) technology, which allows applications to discover and communicate directly through peer-to-peer combination with incredibly high throughput (according to the wi-fi direct™ wi-fi certification program alliance). P2p router is a unique method of sharing multimedia, photos, movies, and other kinds of articles and sessions even when there is no cellular network or routers online.
Android 4.1 takes wi-fi p2p, adding api support for pre-associated service discovery. The discovery of pre-associated services allows your apps to have more up-to-date information from nearby devices about the services they support before they try to connect. Applications can trigger discovery for specific functionality and filter the list of discovered devices to actually support the target service or application.
For example, this will cause your application to only discover devices that " printers" or that have a specific game, do not need to detect all nearby wi-fi p2p devices. On the other hand, your application may advertise the service it provides to other devices, which may avoid it and then negotiate the connection.This greatly facilitates discovery and pairing for clients, allowing applications to take full advantage of p2p internet equipment.
Through p2p wifi service discovery, you are able to create applications and games for users who are capable of sharing photos . , Video, gameplay, deposit or almost anything, in addition to this, all this does not require a connection to the world wide web or mobile network. Your users can only connect through a direct peer-to-peer connection, which avoids using mobile network bandwidth.
Bandwidth management
Android 4.1 helps apps manage using data when the device is connected to the worldwide network with a metered rate, even connected to a mobile hotspot. Applications can query if the current network is being measured before starting a large download that could otherwise be relatively expensive for the customer. With the api, you can now get clear information about which networks are sensitive to data usage and manage your network activity accordingly.
New media features
Media codec approach
Android 4.1 provides a low-level visit to the platform's hardware and software codecs. Applications can ask the system which low-level media codecs are available on the phone, and finally exploit them as needed. For example, today you can create multiple instances of a media codec, queue input buffers, and receive output buffers in return. Among other things, the media codec portal supports protected content. Applications can request an available codec capable of playing protected video through the drm solution available on the device. Such as audio docks that interact with android devices. This feature is also available in the android open accessory development kit (adk) to give all developers the ability to create their own hardware.
Run audio recording
Audio recording based on the completion of the playback audio track. This is important in these situations, like playing a sound signal so that the audience starts talking in order to record their own voice. This function helps to keep the recording in sync, and not record the currently playing audio, and prevent the recording from starting too late.
Multi-channel audio
Android 4.1 supports multi-channel audio on devices with hardware multi-channel audio through the hdmi port. Multi-channel audio allows users to provide multimedia experiences for its applications such as games, music add-ons and video players. For devices without supported hardware, android automatically downmixes audio to the number of channels supported by the device (usually stereo).
Android 4.1 also adds native support for aac 5.1 audio encoding/decoding.
Audio pre-processing
Developers can accept pre-processing results on the recorded audio, such as applying noise reduction to improve the quality of speech recording. , Echo cancellation for acoustic echo, and auto gain control for sound with fluctuating volume levels. These preprocessors will benefit from applications that require high-quality and clean audio recording.
Audio linking
Mediaplayer supports merging audio streams to play audio files without interruptions. This is useful for applications that need a smooth transition between audio files, such as music players to play albums with continuous tracks or games.
Media router
New apis mediarouter, mediarouteactionprovider, and mediaroutebutton provide industry standard devices and a user interface for media playback location selection. Support for wired headsets, bluetooth furniture and a2dp speakers is built in and the user is able to add custom routing options in their own app.
Renderscript calculation
Android 4.1 extends renderscript calculations to give you further flexibility. It is now possible to sample textures in personal compute renderscripts, and new pragmas are available to find the floating point precision required by your scripts. This allows you to include neon instructions such as fast vector math surgeries during cpu delivery that have already stopped in them. Other situations would not be possible with the detailed ieee 754-2008 standard.
Now you have the ability to debug your renderscript calculations on x86 emulator and hardware devices. You will also be able to compute multiple root kernels in a single renderscript source file. Enhancements:
- Improved html5 interface, including touch play/pause and smooth transition from inline to full screen.- Improved rendering speed and reduced memory usage for improved scrolling and zooming performance.- Improved html5/css3/canvas animation performance.- Improved text input.- Updated javascript engine (v8) to improve javascript performance.- Support for updated html5 media capture specification ("capture" attribute) in input type=file elements).
Api and google services
To further extend the experience of android , several new portals for android are available.
Google cloud messaging for android
Google cloud messaging (gcm) is a service that ry allows developers to send short message data to you on android devices without needing a proprietary idea for synchronization.
Gcm handles all the details of message queuing and telephonic fetching to target android devices. It works with multicast notifications, and can reach up to 1000 connected devices simultaneously with a single request. It also supports messaging payload, which means developers can send up to 4 kb of data in addition to sending tickles to the app on the device.
Google cloud messaging is completely free for other developers. And registering is easy. Check out the google cloud messaging page for registration, downloads and documentation.
App encryption
Starting with android 4.1, online stores will help recover app assets by encrypting everything paid add-ons with a key for your device before they are delivered and stored on your tablet.
Smart app updates
Smart app updates is a new appstore feature , which represents the best option for delivering app updates to devices. When the developers publish an update, google play now delivers the changed bits to the devices, but not the full apk. Which makes updates significantly easier most often, so they download faster, save battery for both the organization, and save bandwidth on users' mobile data plan. A mobile app update is roughly one to 3% the size of a full apk update.
Google play services
Online store services help developers integrate google services such as authentication, into your applications delivered via online stores.
Online stores services are automatically exposed to the devices of end users of online stores, therefore absolutely all you need is a library thin client in the native application.
Because your application only includes a small client library, you can take advantage of these services without the costly increase in download size and storage complexity. In addition, the appstore will provide regular updates to the organization and developers won't need to publish app updates to take advantage of them.
For more information about the apis included in the online store services, see the play services developer page.
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